#ResurrectUrSuper; an #Easter Message from #CapBlackRLSH #theBrownWonder


Today, for those who believe, the Ultimate Super Hero ( Yeshua or Jesus or Christ ) defeated Death Itself and by extension, the corrupt government which ordered his execution, and all corrupt governments, by rising from the dead.

Non believers in His divinity who are touched by His example, draw solace from His teachings as ethical, secular citizens also facing unethical secular challenges centuries later.

Triumph over betrayal and evil schemes is a universal epic worth telling and re-telling.

I’m not a preacher, like Justin Haynes or my Super Brother Justin T. McGeorge. I’m merely a Brother who believes in #Super ( unique Potential and helping others ) in all its forms and traditions.

#ResurrectUrSuper from the grave of Doubt and evil designs. 🙂


#CapBlack, Quick #RLSH Origin


#CapBlackRLSH, Real Life Superhero for Folks Feeling Like Zeroes, was created in 2008, by Nadra Enzi.

It is superhero inspired safety advocacy ( SISA ), not escapist fantasy. There’s nothing wrong with fantasy but everything right in living a life fantastic by creating safety with like minds; sharing supply with the homeless and promoting self development! 🙂

Special inspiration is drawn from old school pulp novel heroes like Doc Savage; film noir detectives and old school comic book mystery men.

#FindUrSuper ( unique Potential and helping others ). Fiction can inspire, but the rest is ALWAYS up to you!

I’m not a #Superhero but am Inspired by Them!


While an active member of the real-life Superhero ( RLSH ) community, costume optional division ( lol ), I do not consider myself a hero. Street fights broken up; rowdy people removedIMG_20171004_164551.jpg; homeless outreachIMG_20180209_120814 done; accoladesIMG_20171214_190920 and random acts of kindness shared are part of a life style anyone can experience if they’re willing to pay attention to unmet needs.

When someone is kind enough to refer to me as as a hero, I often respond, ” No. I’m inspired by heroes. ” As a neologism and acronym creator, the term ” SISA ” or superhero inspired safety advocate, came to mind after contemplation. I’m always looking at how to better define what I and others do.

Despite having a very active imagination, I know that I’m not a superhero; I’m a safety advocate inspired by them…and I’m not the only one. 🙂

#CapBlackRLSH #SISA ( superhero inspired safety advocate ).

Comics Gate: When Political Friction Elbows into Fiction.


As political friction elbows into fiction, I wish creators of varying ideologies could either 1. Play well together or 1a. make parallel creative platforms and express to their hearts content before like minds.

I don’t understand this totalitarian urge, on both sides of the proverbial aisle, to dictate; demean anddemonize content with which they disagree.

The Comics Gate flap has emerged from the Comics Right and I’m confident a liberal version will go live any day now ( if it hasn’t already ) hunting creators who dare share content with whom they differ.

The fact this happened on the cusp of the debut of the Black Panther movie hasn’t escaped my attention either. It seems not all are elated that the latest cinematic super person hails from an advanced African nation. Whether one feels the  film is hype or hallowed, the timing of this and other dissent bears consideration.

Another Comics Gate concern is the role played by social justice advocacy in story lines and reinterpretation of flagship characters at one major publisher. The medium has had to keep pace with social change and has at times challenged norms in need of opposition. Some feel this had gone too far and Comics Gate is this concern’s latest manifestion.

Comics inspire and inform and often unite creators and audiences who otherwise agree upon very little outside of this magic medium.

It’s this experience which may be comics greatest gift to our politically turbulent times. I’d hate to see political friction elbow such unity out of fiction.


Black Panther Movie & Epic Anticipation

I hate to be a wet blanket, but I remember anticipated uplift folks thought the election of a Black president would inspire among urban boys and men. Millions didn’t become limitless achievers determined to preside over new lives and realities. The beat went on, except that the color scheme in the White House improbably changed for eight contentious years.

It’s with that recent history firmly in mind  that I typed this Facebook post:

As someone Black and #Super ( realizing Potential and helping others ) growing up in an era where one was looked down upon and the other thought impossible, the epic anticipation for this movie makes me ask, is America really hungry for Black superheroes to save the day; or is this PR on gamma rays?

I’d hate for disappointment to be equally epic…and equally disempowering to those who need a larger vision of themselves.


Help Dark Guardian Help Others

Dark Guardian

His story speaks for itself.

#Super Heroism as Solution to White Supremacy!



My life long love of heroic fiction, especially superheroes, had added urgency given the racially repressive city in which I grew up.

It is from this ( pun intended ) matrix that evolved what I would call my Cap Black advocacy. It was painfully clear in a city of overbearing overlords and latter day serfs that I had to be my own superhero in order to realize my potential.

Comic books offer a vision of limitless person hood and epic struggle that resonated deeply with my experience. Their offer of alter egos and secret identities showed how one could escape the ordinary and change outcomes for the better where you lived and beyond.

The comic book ideal inspired my poetry; freelance writing; political interests and independent crime prevention in the form of private security; bounty hunting and neighborhood watch.

It also matched molecule deep refusal to be treated like less than who I am.

Comic book and pulp novel heroes didn’t bow down to adversity and in the real world, neither did I. Aggressive advocacy on my behalf and others earned me a rogues gallery worthy of any fictional character. This gallery stopped at nothing to defund me and make me a parish among status seekers in my captive community.

#Super heroism, real world advocacy inspired by fiction, can be a solution to White supremacy by offering individuals endless motivation to endure and excel despite entrenched external opposition.

I’m not saying giving yourself a superhero name magically ends racism but I am saying a mindset without limits is the only super power available when you aren’t an overlord.

Another advantage to this proposition is the universal impact of Netflix Luke Cage characterization and the unprecedented anticipation for the upcoming Black Panther movie. The climate for limitless persons who resemble me has never been better.

If ever there were a time to leverage #super heroism as a solution to White supremacy, it is now.

We can have a nation where everyone who wants to, can find their #super ( unique Potential and helping others ) but it depends upon how hard we fight to bring it into existence.









Domestic Abuser at New Orleans Comic Con


As a lover of fiction and advocate ininspired by the same, I know its power to speak to higher potential and invite us to create realities far better than present circumstances.

Domestic abuser Nicholas Brendons ( of Buffy the Vampire Slayer fame ) presence at the New Orleans Comic Con didn’t speak to higher potential nor better realities.

I thank local survivors for shining a fact signal on this matter, one I hope geeks, nerds and RLSH ( real life Superheroes ) will answer.

#CapBlackRLSH answering the #factsignal shone by Kristen Crain
